La réserve

For my postgraduate project in Product Design at the Ecole Boulle, I worked on Responsible Consumption. This gave me the opportunity to explore Design through a research driven and user-centered process. I believe this was a bit of an epiphany and one of the things that led me to Service Design.

Responsible consumption fits into a local, seasonal, short-circuit supply logic aiming at preserving our local agriculture and environment. This alternative way of consuming requires dedication and a lot of time for food supply and preparation, as well as a high level of organisation and flexibility in order to anticipate and plan every need. This project aimed to combine responsible consumption with today's urban lifestyle and modern food culture by optimising its organisation, allowing users to be more autonomous from mainstream supermarkets.


This project is based on the development of a novel food organisational system relating to anticipation, organisation, stocking, transformation and conservation tools. “La réserve” relies on intelligent domestic food management, based on the optimisation of storage practices and on the design of food flows. It supports consumers in the development of automatisms regarding this food organisational system. It provides a scenography of storage and of a temporal use of food characteristic to responsible consumption constraints.
